Latest findings from Portugal
Congrats to Ana and Hélia, who recently presented on behalf of our Portuguese team their latest findings of a study investigating what teachers value, and how these relate to mathematical wellbeing. Their paper (in Portuguese) may be accessed from the ‘publications’ tab here, and so is a photo of their conference presentation.
Silvestre, A. I., Jacinto, H., Carreira, S., Serrazina, L., Santos, E., Pires, M. V., Amado, N., Ferreira, R. T., Martins, C., & Castro, J. (2023). O que valorizam os professores portugueses na aprendizagem da matemática? Um contributo do Values Alignment Study [What do Portuguese teachers value in mathematics learning? A contribution from the Values Alignment Study]. In Proceedings of the 32th Seminario de Investigacao em Educacao Matematica (pp. 20–35).