Wee Tiong Seah

  1. The 2024 2nd International Conference on Affective Education

    Some of you might be interested in submitting an abstract / extended summary for this conference that will take place in Taiwan in Oct this year. It’s fully sponsored, which means that there will be no registration fee.Visit the conference website for details and submissions:https://sites.google.com/g.nccu.edu.tw/2024icae/nccu-icae


  2. Melbourne Symposium 2024

    Come (in-person or via ZOOM) join us in a half-day symposium to be held on 2 Jul (Tues)! As the program below suggests, this event will not only provide us with a chance to listen to team progress / achievement, but also to share common issues that we encounter in our respective researching work. It […]


  3. The latest ‘values book’ is out!

    Our next collection of some of the latest findings in values/valuing research is now published! Editted by three of our colleagues in this area of mathematics educational research, Yüksel Dede, Gosia Marschall, and Philip Clarkson, “Values and valuing in mathematics education: Moving forward into practice” promises to be the go-to guide for designing and implementing […]


  4. Message from Dr Ralf Erens

    Dear friends in values research, For the upcoming 30th MAVI conference in September 2024, participantswho want a guaranteed admission to the conference need to pre-registerby February 16th in the pre-registration phase. Due to theextraordinary resonance of MAVI 30 in the community, the conferenceorganisers must have the opportunity to estimate the capacity ofconference rooms and accommodation. […]


  5. Miho’s cross-cultural analysis

    Miho Yamazaki spent some time in Melbourne to collect and analyse local data, before conducting a cross-cultural comparative study between Japanese and Australian students. The paper, written in Japanese, is accessible at:https://thirdwavelab.education.unimelb.edu.au/files/2024/01/Yamazaki-2023-138e67e795723903.pdf


  6. Postdoc opportunity at Uni of Melbourne

    The 2025 McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellowships Scheme is now open for applications, with EOIs due on 8 Mar 2024. This represents an excellent opportunity for early career researchers to conduct a research project here in Melbourne, Australia. If you have a values-related research idea, let me know and we might be able to work out a […]


  7. Latest from our Portuguese team

    Our Portuguese team, led by Ana Silvestre, has just published their latest findings on the last day of 2023 re the values embraced by secondary school teachers there. Congrats to the large team researching values in Portugal!Check out the paper by clicking on the ‘publications’ tab, or via the DOI: https://doi.org/10.48489/quadrante.32632


  8. First values publication in 2024, probably!

    Enjoy your read! Osman, R., Ayub, H., Ilias, M.R., Badaruddin, Z., Mazhaimi, M.I.C. (2024). Values in mathematics classroom held by pre-service teachers. In Proceeding of the 29th National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences. AIP Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0171701


  9. CONGRATULATIONS, Olivia and Anni!

    Congratulations to Olivia Zhang and Anni E, who had both been successful in their 2024 PhD application for The University of Melbourne to conduct research in our Third Wave Lab. Not only did they do well in the very competitive selection process, they had both also been awarded full scholarships from the Australian government: Melbourne […]


  10. Australian team members – end-of-year catchup

    The Australian members of the Third Wave Lab had a catchup over lunch today. We also had Veysel and Mei Shiu with us. They are visiting from our Turkish and Taiwanese teams respectively.In the photo, from L to R:Prof Mei Shiu Chiu (Taiwan)Prof Phil ClarksonRhiannon LowreyProf Wee Tiong SeahYichen PanAngela LiyanageDr Penelope KalogeropoulosJulia HillJustine SakuraiAssoc […]


  11. Announcing the passing of Prof Alan J Bishop

    Prof Alan J Bishop’s passing was first announced by Prof Wee Tiong Seah (Australia) to the international maths education research community at the Opening Ceremony of PME Regional Conference 2023 on 2 Dec 2023. That this event took place at Khon Kaen, Thailand was especially significant, because Alan had dedicated himself to improving mathematics education […]


  12. Vale: Prof Alan J. Bishop (14 Oct 1937 – 18 Nov 2023)

    Fellow researchers of values/valuing in mathematics education, It is with a heavy heart and an immense sense of loss that I share the news here on the recent passing of Prof Alan J. Bishop in Cambridge, UK. As many of us know, Alan has had an illustrious research and academic career over a few decades […]


  13. A research thesis on values in textbooks

    Well done, Şeyma, on completing a MSc research thesis which examines the extent to which the ten core values in the Turkish curriculum – namely, justice, friendship, honesty, self-control, patience, respect, love, responsibility, patriotism, and helpfulness – are being represented in Grades 5-12 mathematics textbooks published by the Turkish Ministry of National Education. Email me […]


  14. CONGRATS, Fatma too!

    Fatma’s latest paper reports on yet another study comparing F2F and distance learning with the values perspective. https://doi.org/10.33902/JPR.202323210


  15. CONGRATS QP, Hui Min and Francesca …

    … for your research study which provides a values perspective to explaining why distance teaching during the global pandemic was no match to in-person teaching. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13394-023-00476-8


  16. Funded scholarship for a PhD study with a ‘mathematical wellbeing’ theme

    The University of Melbourne is offering a Strategic Scholarship for a full-time PhD study on mathematical wellbeing, to begin in 2024. The successful applicant will be supervised by Julia Hill and Wee Tiong Seah. Please share this news with your appropriate networks and contacts, e.g. Masters students!


  17. PhD completion seminar on ‘mathematical wellbeing’ – all welcomed!

    Uncovering student values and wellbeing across mathematics and science education Supervisors:  Prof Jan van Driel, Prof Wee Tiong Seah, A/Prof Peggy Kern Committee Chair: Prof Elizabeth McKinley Date:   Monday 14th AugustTime:  3pm – 4pm (Melbourne time) Venue: Room Q419, Kwong Lee Down Building, 234 Queensberry St, Carlton, Victoria, AUSTRALIA Zoom link:  https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/82980264761?pwd=Vmg0NjZMUEFqdWRVamxkYmc5Z1FjZz09Password: 903501 Abstract: Over the past few decades, interest in student […]


  18. Another report from Ghana …

    … this latest one focussing on how students’ valuing in primary, junior secondary and senior secondary schools in Ghana were different from one another. Congrats to Monica Carr and Ernest Davis! https://doi.org/10.29333/ejmste/13542


Number of posts found: 33