Wee Tiong Seah

  1. CONGRATS, Fatma too!

    Fatma’s latest paper reports on yet another study comparing F2F and distance learning with the values perspective. https://doi.org/10.33902/JPR.202323210


  2. CONGRATS QP, Hui Min and Francesca …

    … for your research study which provides a values perspective to explaining why distance teaching during the global pandemic was no match to in-person teaching. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13394-023-00476-8


  3. Funded scholarship for a PhD study with a ‘mathematical wellbeing’ theme

    The University of Melbourne is offering a Strategic Scholarship for a full-time PhD study on mathematical wellbeing, to begin in 2024. The successful applicant will be supervised by Julia Hill and Wee Tiong Seah. Please share this news with your appropriate networks and contacts, e.g. Masters students!


  4. PhD completion seminar on ‘mathematical wellbeing’ – all welcomed!

    Uncovering student values and wellbeing across mathematics and science education Supervisors:  Prof Jan van Driel, Prof Wee Tiong Seah, A/Prof Peggy Kern Committee Chair: Prof Elizabeth McKinley Date:   Monday 14th AugustTime:  3pm – 4pm (Melbourne time) Venue: Room Q419, Kwong Lee Down Building, 234 Queensberry St, Carlton, Victoria, AUSTRALIA Zoom link:  https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/82980264761?pwd=Vmg0NjZMUEFqdWRVamxkYmc5Z1FjZz09Password: 903501 Abstract: Over the past few decades, interest in student […]


  5. Another report from Ghana …

    … this latest one focussing on how students’ valuing in primary, junior secondary and senior secondary schools in Ghana were different from one another. Congrats to Monica Carr and Ernest Davis! https://doi.org/10.29333/ejmste/13542


  6. Latest findings from Portugal

    Congrats to Ana and Hélia, who recently presented on behalf of our Portuguese team their latest findings of a study investigating what teachers value, and how these relate to mathematical wellbeing. Their paper (in Portuguese) may be accessed from the ‘publications’ tab here, and so is a photo of their conference presentation. Silvestre, A. I., […]


  7. New publication from our Ghana team

    Congrats, Ernest and Amidu, on the publication of your paper investigating and comparing senior high school teachers’ values with their students’. An addition to the Values Alignment study! https://doi.org/10.1177/27527263231179745


  8. Maths teaching and the teaching of Bishop’s (1996) general educational values

    Here’s an interesting journal paper reporting on values teaching in a country that is seldom reported in Western literature, Bhutan:https://doi.org/10.1093/teamat/hrad004


  9. Bishop’s mathematical values in Chinese maths classrooms

    A recently-published journal article (in Chinese) of a study conducted in Zhejiang, China which found that all three pairs of Bishop’s (1988) mathematical values were evident in the randomly-selected Grade 6 class. In particular, ‘openness’ was very highly valued, at the expense of ‘mystery’. Congrats, Yan!Email me for a copy of the article, if anyone […]


  10. Maths subjective wellbeing and maths achievement

    This empirical study involving more than 700 Grades 8 and 9 German students highlights the strength of the association between maths subjective wellbeing and maths achievement: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12144-022-04022-w


  11. Relating values to categories of beliefs about maths education

    Congrats to Andreas, Federica and Andrea on the publication of their article linking values and beliefs, specifically, beliefs about maths, and beliefs about maths teaching. https://doi.org/10.1080/0020739X.2023.2203159


  12. The latest Malaysian study published!

    Congratulations to Hui Min and Qiaoping for having a paper published yesterday! It is based on Hui Min’s doctoral research study in Malaysia which compared what more than 400 secondary school students and their maths teachers valued in their maths learning and teaching respectively. Chia, H. M. & Zhang, Q. (2023). Comparing Malaysian secondary school […]


  13. Julia Hill’s 2021 informal sharing re values and MWB

    Now that we have this website, we can share this video recording of Julia Hill’s informal presentation regarding values and mathematical wellbeing. Given that this took place nearly two years ago in 2021, the video recording provides us with some of Julia’s earlier conceptions. (Click title for URL link)


  14. OECD’s ‘Embedding values and attitudes in curriculum’ document

    OECD’s 2021 document ‘Embedding values and attitudes in curriculum: Shaping a better future’ reaffirms values “as motivation for acquiring and using knowledge and skills” (p.11). That its focus is on embedding values in the (mathematics) curriculum that “shape shared futures built on the well-being of individuals, communities and the planet” (p. 19) exemplifies the two […]


  15. MAVI29 Conference

    MAVI is dedicated to researching “beliefs, attitudes, emotions, values and related topics in learning and teaching mathematics at any school level”. The MAVI29 conference will be held in Italy this 20-22 Sep. Details can be found at the Conference website (click title above for hyperlink if it is not visible here). Our Germany lead, Ralf […]


  16. Research seminar on ‘power distance’ value (6 Apr 2023)

    You are all invited to a research seminar to be held on 6 Apr (Thu) in Melbourne, as well as on ZOOM, during which Dr Kathy Yunying YANG will talk about how Hofstede’s value construct of power distance regulates teachers’ interdisciplinary collaboration at work. For full details, click title above or visit: https://thirdwavelab.education.unimelb.edu.au/files/2023/03/20230406-Yunying-YANG_flyer.pdf


  17. Cross-Tasman collab

    CONGRATS, Julia and Jodie, on your latest article examining how NZ students’ maths educational values might be affected by factors such as school, ethnicity, gender and grades! My weekend reading 😉https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0020739X.2023.2184280


  18. Values in Korean textbooks

    This recent publication (in Korean) presents yet another approach to examining the maths and maths learning values that are represented in textbooks. Congrats to the authors! https://doi.org/10.29275/jerm.2023.33.1.81


Number of posts found: 38