Message from Dr Ralf Erens

Dear friends in values research,

For the upcoming 30th MAVI conference in September 2024, participants
who want a guaranteed admission to the conference need to pre-register
by February 16th in the pre-registration phase. Due to the
extraordinary resonance of MAVI 30 in the community, the conference
organisers must have the opportunity to estimate the capacity of
conference rooms and accommodation.

If you intend to come to MAVI this year: preregistration ends 16
February 2024.
Some further information is continually added to the website of MAVI
which can be found here:

Some more details can already be announced here: one of the founding
fathers of MAVI, Günter Törner has offered to address current issues
in the field of mathematics-related affect, and there might be a
possibility that Alan Schoenfeld will come, too.

Note: Pre-registrations are free of charge, research papers for the
conference need to be submitted before May 3, 2024.
For further details, just drop by on the MAVI30 website from time to
time. For any questions, please write a message to our local organizer