Category: Event
Seminar on Mathematical Wellbeing
At the invitation of Utah State University (USA), Dr Julia Hill (Australia) will be presenting a seminar on mathematical wellbeing on 19 Feb at 3.30pm local time, 20 Feb (Thu) at 9.30am Melbourne/Sydney time. All are welcomed – attend face-to-face if you are in Utah, or via ZOOM otherwise (see flyer for the ZOOM QR […]
Melbourne Symposium 2/2024
For Melbourne-based colleagues, this is a reminder of our second symposium this year, taking place this Thurs 1pm-4pm. The program is accessible here (click on title above to access hyperlink)
Message from Dr Ralf Erens
Dear friends in values research, For the upcoming 30th MAVI conference in September 2024, participantswho want a guaranteed admission to the conference need to pre-registerby February 16th in the pre-registration phase. Due to theextraordinary resonance of MAVI 30 in the community, the conferenceorganisers must have the opportunity to estimate the capacity ofconference rooms and accommodation. […]
Australian team members – end-of-year catchup
The Australian members of the Third Wave Lab had a catchup over lunch today. We also had Veysel and Mei Shiu with us. They are visiting from our Turkish and Taiwanese teams respectively.In the photo, from L to R:Prof Mei Shiu Chiu (Taiwan)Prof Phil ClarksonRhiannon LowreyProf Wee Tiong SeahYichen PanAngela LiyanageDr Penelope KalogeropoulosJulia HillJustine SakuraiAssoc […]
Announcing the passing of Prof Alan J Bishop
Prof Alan J Bishop’s passing was first announced by Prof Wee Tiong Seah (Australia) to the international maths education research community at the Opening Ceremony of PME Regional Conference 2023 on 2 Dec 2023. That this event took place at Khon Kaen, Thailand was especially significant, because Alan had dedicated himself to improving mathematics education […]
PhD completion seminar on ‘mathematical wellbeing’ – all welcomed!
Uncovering student values and wellbeing across mathematics and science education Supervisors: Prof Jan van Driel, Prof Wee Tiong Seah, A/Prof Peggy Kern Committee Chair: Prof Elizabeth McKinley Date: Monday 14th AugustTime: 3pm – 4pm (Melbourne time) Venue: Room Q419, Kwong Lee Down Building, 234 Queensberry St, Carlton, Victoria, AUSTRALIA Zoom link: 903501 Abstract: Over the past few decades, interest in student […] -
MAVI29 Conference
MAVI is dedicated to researching “beliefs, attitudes, emotions, values and related topics in learning and teaching mathematics at any school level”. The MAVI29 conference will be held in Italy this 20-22 Sep. Details can be found at the Conference website (click title above for hyperlink if it is not visible here). Our Germany lead, Ralf […]
Research seminar on ‘power distance’ value (6 Apr 2023)
You are all invited to a research seminar to be held on 6 Apr (Thu) in Melbourne, as well as on ZOOM, during which Dr Kathy Yunying YANG will talk about how Hofstede’s value construct of power distance regulates teachers’ interdisciplinary collaboration at work. For full details, click title above or visit: