Professional learning
The ultimate objective of our research activities is to enable us to better understand the roles played by values/valuing in contributing to even more effective mathematics and numeracy education. We are committed to working with teachers and other educators to translate our research findings into professional knowledge and pedagogical skills that enhance their practice.
To this end, we design and facilitate customised professional learning workshops and related consultancies to schools and stakeholder groups. Please feel free to contact us to explore how we may work together, making use of values to support cognitive skills and affective dispositions for effective mathematics learning!
Within Australia
Julia Hill, or
Dr Penelope Kalogeropoulos
All other countries
Please contact one of our external collaborators around the world
It seems [from our Korean data] that with the “right” kinds of enabling values, the will and motivation that come with the valuing can override the functions of reasoning and of feeling.
(Pang & Seah, 2021, p. 303)
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